Why the figure of the teacher in early childhood education is so important

Why the figure of the teacher in early childhood education is so important

Do you remember any teacher from your childhood who was important in your life? We all remember one with special affection for how we connect with the person, for the involvement in learning or for the way we teach. Teachers in early childhood education have a great influence on students and contribute to their development while serving as role models. In today’s post we want to talk about this topic, the roles of teachers in early childhood education and the skills they must develop.

What are the roles of teachers in early childhood education?

Knowing the roles of teachers in early childhood education helps us to know that they have a very important role in the development of our sons and daughters and in their learning. Among the functions we highlight the following:

  • Organize the classroom. The organization of the space where children learn requires a distribution of the elements of the classroom according to the furniture and the material used to teach. Certain corners can be designed and priority should always be given to the safety of children.
  • Distribute time. For classes to be enjoyable and children to learn, early childhood teachers must adapt to the rhythms of children and alternate activities that require different degrees of attention.
  • Facilitate the development of oral language and introduce written language. Early childhood teachers will be able to encourage children to speak and learn new words and will also be able to teach them vowels and consonants so that they discover writing.
  • Identify skills, interests and needs of students. Each child is different and it is important that teachers discover and enhance their skills, know what things interest them most and find out what needs they have.
  • Promote good coexistence and respect between boys and girls in the classroom. Another important function of early childhood education teachers is to teach children values that promote good coexistence in the classroom such as respect, equality and tolerance.

To develop all these functions, early childhood education teachers can use tools such as: games, videos, stories, music and computers, among others.

Skills needed for early childhood education teachers

Los docentes son una parte esencial de una educación de calidad, que es uno de los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible para 2030. En este sentido, es fundamental que se cumpla una de las metas encuadrada en ese objetivo: de aquí a 2030 aumentar considerablemente la oferta de docentes calificados, incluso mediante cooperación internacional para la formación de docentes en los países en desarrollo. Sin embargo, para lograr una formación de calidad de los docentes y una educación también de calidad es necesario:

  • Que se contrate a más docentes en las escuelas. Según datos de la UNESCO se necesitan 24,4 millones de docentes más en la enseñanza primaria y 44,4 en la enseñanza secundaria.
  • Que se apueste por una formación continua. La formación continua es fundamental para actualizar constantemente los conocimientos y adaptarlos a las innovaciones que surjan.
  • Que se mejoren las condiciones de trabajo de los docentes. Según la UNESCO en el África subsahariana hay 56 alumnos por cada profesor y en Asia 38. Sin embargo, en Europa y América del Norte la media es de 15 alumnos por profesor.

Por otro lado, la educación infantil de calidad depende, también, de la cualificación de los docentes. Entre las habilidades necesarias que deben tener, destacamos las siguientes:

1. Formación específica. El profesorado debe haber recibido una formación específica en educación infantil, además, esa formación debe de ser de calidad.

2. Capacidad de motivación. La motivación es muy importante para aprender, por ello, los docentes deben reconocer los logros de cada niño o niña, alentarles a mejorar y utilizar herramientas de aprendizaje que les motiven como los juegos o la tecnología.

3. Paciencia y buen humor. Otra habilidad muy importante de los docentes de educación infantil es la paciencia. Los niños y niñas más pequeños suelen tener muchísima energía y es difícil hacer que mantengan la atención mucho tiempo en la misma actividad. La paciencia combinada con el buen humor es esencial para trabajar con niños y niñas de infantil.

4. Energy and dedication. Teaching in early childhood education requires a great deal of energy and dedication. Teachers must cope with the enormous daily energy of children and plan activities that they like, that are varied and that help them acquire new knowledge.

5. Ability to listen and observe. The ability to listen and observe is also important in a kindergarten teacher. With listening, the needs of each child, their concerns or their tastes will be known and with observation you can find out if there is something that worries them or if they can be helped in some special way in learning.

6. Ability to plan and organize. This capacity requires organizing the time of each class and planning activities for the future considering the curriculum and the needs of each child.

7. Ability to build trust. It is important that teachers build confidence in children so that they express themselves as they are and feel comfortable. To do this, they must support all children, get to know them and generate a calm environment for everyone.

8. Creativity. For children to learn and have fun doing so, it is necessary to apply a high degree of creativity. To do this, teachers can use games and other tools that encourage children to discover.

In short, the teacher is an essential part of quality education, therefore, it is essential that there are well-prepared and motivated teachers who know how to transmit their enthusiasm to children. At babymomsclub we are committed to quality and safe education so that all children have the opportunity to learn and get out of poverty.

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