If you have had a cesarean delivery, this is not an impediment to breastfeeding your baby, although for some women the discomfort of the wound can make it a little more difficult.
Therefore, there are some tricks to keep in mind when breastfeeding to avoid pressure and pain at the points of the caesarean section. These are the best positions to breastfeed after a cesarean section and make you and your baby comfortable.
Remember, the milk doesn’t take longer to rise after a cesarean section, but that could happen if the baby takes a long time to breastfeed. Therefore, the ideal would be for the baby to be in skin-to-skin contact with his mother as soon as possible, also after the cesarean section.
At the beginning, after the intervention you will be recovering from the effects of anesthesia and you will be in a lying or semi-incorporated position. Therefore, the best positions to breastfeed are those that allow you to breastfeed the baby without getting up to get him to take his first food and start breastfeeding. These are the posture lying on the side and the posture lying on your back.
Posture lying on the side
A very convenient posture for the mother who has had a cesarean section, which is also ideal for night shots, is lying on her side.
The mother and the baby are lying on their side, facing each other and in this way there is no contact with the stitches of the wound. It can also make breastfeeding babies with short braces or ankylochylosis.
You can put on (or have them placed) cushions behind your back that will provide you with stability and comfort, and another between your knees, which will help relax the abdominal area.
Posture lying on your back
Similar to the previous one but with the baby resting on the mother’s arm, or even on the shoulder if someone helps you by holding the baby. This way you avoid putting up any weight or pressure on the wound.
The baby can also be placed on the chest horizontally (crossed) above the belly so that it does not touch the wound.
Rugby ball posture
When the stitches allow you to get up, the rugby ball posture is one of the preferred options for mothers who have had a cesarean delivery because they do not support the baby on the wound.
The woman is sitting and has the baby resting on her forearm. Her body is slightly curved on the mother’s side, with her feet in the direction of the back of the armchair where she is sitting. You can use a breastfeeding cushion to make the baby more elevated.
In this position, the mother holds her head and sees her baby’s face, who feels safer when he is curled up in her mother’s body.
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