Seeking Peace. Value Short Stories to Read to Children

Seeking Peace. Value Short Stories to Read to Children

Children’s story to celebrate January 30 the Day of Nonviolence and Peace and September 21, Peace Day, with children

Explaining peace to children is not such an easy task to understand if they do not experience it at home, among family and friends. Peace is not taught, it is lived. And one of the positive tools to teach it is through example and stories with values.

Looking for peace is a children’s story that talks about the value of peace, the importance of the noble art of living in tranquility. You can take the opportunity to read this story on the Day of Nonviolence and Peace, which is celebrated every January 30, or on the International Day of Peace, on September 21.

Children’s Stories About Peace – Seeking Peace


Once upon a time there was a king who offered a grand prize to the artist who could capture perfect peace in a painting. Many artists tried. The king observed and admired all the paintings, but there were only two that he really liked and had to choose between them.

The first was a very quiet lake. This lake was a perfect mirror where some placid mountains that surrounded it were reflected. Above these was a very blue sky with faint white clouds. Everyone who looked at this painting thought it reflected perfect peace.

The second painting also had mountains. But these were rugged and discovered. Above them was a furious sky from which fell an impetuous downpour with lightning and thunder. Down the mountain seemed to rumble a foamy torrent of water. All this was not at all peaceful.

But when the King looked carefully, he saw behind the waterfall a delicate bush growing in a crevice in the rock. On this bush was a nest. There, amid the roar of the violent waterfall, a little bird sat peacefully in its nest…

– Perfect peace…?

– What do you think was the winning painting?

The King chose the second.

-You know why?

The king explained: ‘Peace does not mean being in a place without noise, without problems, without hard work or without pain. Peace means that despite being in the midst of all these things we remain calm within our hearts. This is the true meaning of peace.’

The end

Reading comprehension and reflection questions for children

Did you like this children’s story? After reading, it is time to work on the learning you propose. How? From the game and educational activities! Here are some ideas for exercises so that you can propose them to your son or daughter in the most fun way.

1. Reading comprehension question exercise In order to work on the story with our child, it is important to
make sure, first of all, that he has understood what he has read. And it is not enough just to understand the words, but it is essential that the child knows how to extract the general message from the text. This will be very useful when studying all the subjects of the school.

  • What contest did the king propose?
  • Which two paintings did you like the most?
  • Which of the two did the king finally choose? What did this painting show?
  • Why did you choose this artwork over the other?

2. Questions to make children
reflect This story, without a doubt, invites reflection. To guide your child in the debate, here are some questions you can ask.

  • How would you define peace?
  • Do you think we live in peace everywhere in the world?
  • What do you think we could improve at home to live more peace?

3. Drawing peace
This exercise can be done both before and after reading the story. Ask your child to draw peace, what he considers peace to be. You will be surprised to see his drawing, especially if you have not yet read the story.

Tips for educating children in peace

As we said at the beginning, peace is learned but, above all, it is lived. Therefore, it is important that we incorporate peace into our day to day, from the family. How is it achieved? Here are some examples.

– Giving an example of peace to our children, but also of altruism, generosity, kindness, compassion, solidarity… If our children see peace in our actions, they will learn it.

– It is important to teach children to resolve their conflicts through peaceful dialogue.

– We must convey to children that all emotions are welcome (including anger and sadness), but we must learn to manage them.

– Learning relaxation and breathing techniques will help us to know how to control ourselves when we feel that harmony and peace are going to break because we are about to explode.

Famous phrases and quotes about peace from famous people

And, to complete children’s learning about peace and make them reflect, below we have compiled some famous quotes from some historical figures who talk about harmonious coexistence in peace.

Peace must basically be born in ourselves. Dalai Lama.

– Peace is the daughter of coexistence, education, dialogue. Respect for ancient cultures gives birth to peace in the present. Rigoberta Menchú.

– The fruit of silence is prayer. The fruit of prayer is faith. The fruit of faith is love. The fruit of love is service. The fruit of service is peace. Saint Teresa of Calcutta.

– If you want to make peace with enemy, you have to work with him. Then he becomes your companion. Nelson Mandela.

When asked about a weapon capable of countering the power of the atomic bomb, I suggested the best of all: peace. Albert Einstein.

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