Robo Fish Aquarium: robotic fish with real movement.

Robo Fish Aquarium: robotic fish with real movement.

If there’s one thing my son likes, besides dinosaurs, it’s animals. Of all types, sizes and colors, he does not hesitate to take all kinds of bugs he finds and bring them home. But my house is not a zoo and they can’t stay, there are already many cats to feed.

When I was younger I remember that we had a fish that did not last us at all and that made him very tiste, so I swore that I would not put animals of short duration again to avoid suffering. But aquariums are so pretty, right?

The solution has arrived this Christmas: The Robo Fish aquarium is not only pretty and has varied accessories, its fish have a long life and need very little care.

Santa Claus brought him the Robo Fish Aquarium with 2 goldfish. There is another version called Super aquarium that instead of 2 fish brings a larger one that changes color. I was looking at both and saw no difference except for the fish it brings.

It is also possible to buy fish separately to expand the collection. Some even change color on contact with water.

Aquarius: content and instructions

On the set we have a large and resistant fish tank, a bag of hydrophobic sand, a boat with a fine nozzle to create decorations and 2 colorful fish with batteries included.


It has no mystery, we must fill the fish tank, decorate with sand and introduce our fish.
The peculiarity of the sand is that it does not get wet, we did not know it and we loved it.
They can make reefs and decorations with it underwater and when they get tired they take it out and start again.

We liked it a lot and I tried to find more sand kits to have different colors and I regret to say that the brand itself does not sell them separately, I wish they did because it gives a lot of play.
Anyway, it is not difficult to find spare parts of this type of sand.


As for fish, they have robotic technology and a lot of free will.
They move in 5 directions imitating the movements of real fish and if they encounter obstacles they will change direction.
They begin to work on their own in contact with water and when we take them out and dry. They also stop when they have been in the water for 5 minutes to save batteries

The best substitute for real fish.

Unless you have at home a good aquarium and minimal knowledge of its care, most mortals the little fish of the fairs and the like last us a sigh.
For all of us I love this option, we can have a decorative aquarium for the little ones with fish that look real and never die. So real that my cats wanted to snack on them!


Do you know that this type of robotic pets have many benefits?

 Allow children to have something like a pet at home when, for whatever reason, that is not possible. It prepares them in responsibility and respect in case at any time the family decides to adopt a pet.

 They have a long life, usually depending on their batteries. Joking aside, this eliminates the painful experience of loss and grief of losing a real pet, something I would try to avoid at very young ages.

 They serve as a “rehearsal” before having an animal at home. We can challenge them to take care of them as if they were real to see if they are ready to have a real one.

 They know and learn about a pet’s needs. Remember that there are robotic pets of all kinds, we have fish, turtle and dog. Even if they know they are not real, they will treat them as if they were, with all the care and attention that implies.

 Avoid abandoning pets. It is a fact that many pets are given every year to boys and girls for their birthday, Christmas, etc. and when they grow up, they are a nuisance or can not control them, many are abandoned.


There is no comparison between a real pet and a robotics, that is clear to me. Neither the feeling of affection and love is the same, nor their care or constant attention. Real pets cannot have their batteries removed.
But they are very good option as training before having one and to check if children really want a pet or it is just a passing whim. So, if one day the decision is made to adopt a pet, this essay will have helped us to have more certainty that they really want it.

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