If you are pregnant and already know that your baby will be a girl… congratulations! You are entering an exciting period and in Guiainfantil.com we will accompany you at every stage of your pregnancy and upbringing of your daughter. Therefore, to help you choose your baby’s name, we present a few names for girls 2023.
These female baby names are interesting and full of meaning. You can choose the one that seems most beautiful or inspiring, the one that makes you more excited, the one that best matches their surnames, the one that has more tradition in your family … ready? Let’s go!
Cute naming ideas for girls born in 2023
What are the most beautiful and meaningful names for girls? If you are expecting a baby by 2023 or are planning your pregnancy, surely among your thoughts is what could be the name of your baby, no wonder! If you want to give your baby a nice name, but also that does not sound strange or strange, here we show you a list of the names of girls most chosen by dads and moms. Will any of them also be your favorite?
1. Lucia
A beautiful name for a girl that means ‘the one who carries the light‘ or the one who is born with the first light of day. Lucia is of Latin origin, derives from ‘lucius’ and for a few years has topped the lists of those preferred by parents and grandparents. He points out, his name day is celebrated on December 13.
2. Mary Of Hebrew origin, with religious connotation (Mary
is the mother of Jesus) and its meaning ‘the chosen one’, ‘the beloved of God’, ‘exalted’, ’eminent’. Also linked with the name of Miriam. This feminine name can go alone or accompanied by other names such as Angels or Antonia.
3. Paula
It is a name for girl that derives from ‘paulus’, which means ‘small’, ‘weak’ and whose origin is Latin. It is linked to simplicity, tenderness and sympathy. The male version of Paula is Paul and throughout history there have been several saints and martyrs with the name of Paula so there are several possible dates to celebrate the saint.
4. Martina Martina’s
origin is Latin and comes from ‘martinus’ or ‘martius’; its meaning would be something like ‘consecrated to Mars’, since it comes from Mars, the god of war. Its saint is on January 30 and its male version Martin. If you like names for girls 2023 that sound strong and powerful, this option is for your daughter.
5. Carla
Next on the list is a beautiful name of girls of German origin that comes from karl and means ‘strong’, ‘courageous’. This feminine name is very common in Italy, although since the 70s it is also widely used in Spain and Latin America with its variants of Carlota or Carlina. His name day is celebrated on November 04.
6. Julia Among the most beautiful names for girls of 2023 is Julia whose meaning is ‘of strong roots’, (‘the one who belongs to the Julia
family’) ‘full of youth’ and her origin is Latin derived from ‘julus’. Those who are so called celebrate their saint on July 15. In addition, it is a very international name, we find it in other countries such as Julie, Juliet, Juliana, Juliet or Julienne; And because of its biblical tradition it is a name of greatness and prestige.
7. Alba
Of Latin origin ‘albus’ meaning white. A woman’s name that reached the lists of the most loved by families a few years ago and does not leave it. And it is that this woman’s name is one of the most chosen by fathers and mothers for their daughters. Its meaning is ‘dawn’, ‘the first light of day’ and ‘the rebirth’ and is linked to the dawn, so this name symbolizes light. Its name day is August 15, the date on which Our Lady of the Dawn and the Virgin of the Dawn are celebrated.
8. DanielaWhat
is one of the sweetest women’s names out there? Daniela comes from Hebrew, for dan-judgment and El-Dios, which means ‘God is my judge’. His name day is celebrated on July 21. Would you choose it for your baby?
The meaning of original female names for girls 2023
Not only do we present the names for girls born in 2023, but we also tell you their origins and meanings so that you can stay with the one that makes you more excited. Beware that now come the most original and modern names, but how striking they are!
9. Valentina
Its origin is Latin, it comes from ‘valentinus’ which means ‘brave’, ‘from the Valentino family’ and, as you can imagine, celebrates its saint on February 14, Valentine’s Day and also on July 25. In addition, many famous women throughout history have borne this name, especially dedicated to fine arts and politics. Valentina is a love!
10. Carolina Carolina
is a girl’s name that comes from the Latin ‘carolus’ and means ‘strong and courageous woman’. Although it can also be of German origin derived from Karl which means old man so it is linked with intelligence. This beautiful name celebrates its name day on November 4.
11. Aina
This is the Catalan version of Ana or Anna which means swallow linked to freedom. It is a feminine name of Hebrew origin whose meaning is ‘favor’, ‘grace’. Not only does it sound different, but it is sweet and elegant in equal parts and in Spain it is one of the most chosen names.
12. CoraHow
do you think about Cora for your girl? Original and modern, it has its origins in ancient Greek, specifically in the term Korë, whose translation would be something like ‘young maiden’. Also in Greek mythology Korë, also known as Persephone, is the goddess of agriculture and vegetation.
13. Island
If you like everything that has to do with the sea, but do not rule out the idea that its name is different, you can opt for this one of Scottish origin, whose meaning is ‘queen of the hebrides’. Although this name is also of Latin origin, ‘insula‘, which according to the Greek description ‘in salo’ means ‘in the sea’ Thus, this name entails adventure and freedom.
14. Luna Luna
is a feminine name of Latin origin ‘leuksna’ meaning leuks- light and the suffix -na-luminous. So this beautiful name means ‘luminous light’, ‘the one that shines or brings light’. It is also linked with the name Lúnula. Your child will have a predilection for astrology! Can you imagine that it is born on one of the full moons of 2023?
How to call a girl if I like long names?
Hay quienes los eligen porque rebosan personalidad y hay quienes los escogen porque luego se pueden acortar de formas tan distintas que acaban por convertirse en apodos únicos. ¿Te gustan los diminutivos? El caso es que los nombres largos para niñas siempre triunfan. A continuación te proponemos algunas ideas de nombres para niñas 2023 que tienen un significado de lo más inspirador.
15. Alejandra
Las Alejandras celebran su onomástica el 20 de marzo, 21 de abril y 18 de mayo. Se trata de un nombre femenino de origen griego, viene de aiex –quien cuida y andros –hombre que significa ‘la que protege al hombre’ pero también se vincula en general con la protección, defensa y salvación. La puedes llamar Alex, Ale, Aleja… ¡tú decides!
16. Patricia
Un bonito nombre de niña de origen latino ‘patricius’ cuyo significado es ‘la portadora de la nobleza’ que se hizo muy popular en la década de los años 70 debido a la influencia extranjera. Y es que, este nombre de niña es muy frecuente en los países anglosajones desde hace muchos años. Como ya sabrás, su santoral es el 25 de agosto por Santa Patricia de Constantinopla. Y de cariño la puedes llamar Paty o Pata.
17. Minerva
La diosa romana de la sabiduría cede su nombre a las bebés niña nacidas en 2023. Ligado también a la estrategia, ciencia, educación, artes. Un nombre bello con tanto significado, ¡por eso ha pasado a los anales de la historia!
18. Catalina
De origen griego, katharos – puro y el sufijo ina, es un nombre largo para niñas muy bonito cuyo significado es ‘pura’. Su onomástica es el 25 de noviembre. Sus diminutivos son Cata y Lina ¿cuál te gusta más?
19. Yolanda
El siguiente de la lista es un nombre de mujer de origen griego ion -violetas y laos –país que significa ‘tierra llena de violetas’ o ‘riquezas’. Es uno de los nombres más populares en España con 92.000 registros. Su santo se celebra el 17 de diciembre. ¿A qué tiene mucha fuerza y poderío?
20. Antonia
Nombre para niñas tan de toda la vida, que generaciones enteras lo han llevado. Antonia es de origen latino derivado de ‘antonius’ que significa ‘valiente’ o ‘aquel que enfrenta sus adversarios’.
21. Fabiola
Si te gustan los nombres de niña largos que suenan bien en distintos idiomas, éste puede ser el tuyo. De raíz latina ‘fabius’ tiene este significado: ‘recolectora de habas’. ¿Te gusta su diminutivo Fabi?
22. Natalia
Muy relacionado con la Natividad o Navidad, este nombre es de origen latino ‘natale domini’ que significa ‘día de la navidad’, cuyo diminutivo es Nati. También se vincula con el nacimiento. Su onomástica es el 1 de diciembre.
23. Isabela
Isa, Bela, Isabel, Isabelle, Isabella. Más de una variante admite este nombre hebreo de Elisheba para niñas que se traduce por ‘aquella que ama a Dios’ o ‘Dios es mi juramento’. Su onomástica es el 4 de julio. Como ves, Isabela es un nombre para niñas largo, pero que se puede acortar de una forma muy bella.
24. Esmeralda
Derivado del latín ‘smaragdus’, que es un mineral silicato color verde brillante y simboliza poder y eterna juventud. Esmeralda suele gustar por igual a padres y abuelos. ¡Lo tiene todo!
Origen y significado de los nombres cortos para niñas 2023
Y si te pasa justo lo contrario, que te gustan más los nombres para niñas con pocas letras y tu bebé nace en 2023, ¡este es tu apartado! Aquí encontrarás los nombres cortos para niñas que más gustan por su naturalidad y la musicalidad que poseen. ¡Esperamos que te gusten mucho! Te recomendamos que revises el significado de cada uno de estos nombres antes de decantarte por uno en concreto.
25. Sofía
Un bello nombre de niña muy popular que siempre pasa de generación en generación. Es de origen griego Σoφíα (sophia), cuyo significado es ‘sabiduría’. Además, es muy conocido por Santa Sofía, una mártir del siglo I que es venerada en la preciosa basílica de Santa Sofía en Estambul. Sus variantes son Sophie o Zosia en polaco.
26. Ana
Es un nombre de niña de origen hebreo ‘jana’ que significa ‘llena de gracia y compasión’. Tres letras dulces y con mucha alegría. Además de ser un nombre histórico al formar parte de los nombres de la biblia. Su santoral es el 26 de julio. Y este nombre está emparentado con Hannah en inglés, Naia en gallego o Anja en alemán.
27. Noa
¿Y qué me dices de Noa? Es de origen hebrero y se puede escribir con H final, Noah, pero su significado no cambia y por su estructura puede ser utilizado también como nombre de niño. Significa ‘delicia’, ‘reposo’ ‘descanso’. Los nombres cortos para niñas transmiten una gran fuerza, ¿verdad?
28. Ona
Este otro nombre breve es de origen gaélico y significa ‘fresno’. Hay quien ya lo tienen en su lista de los favoritos, ¿a ti también te encanta? Es un nombre ideal para todos aquellos padres que amen la naturaleza.
29. Lúa
Muy de moda en las últimas décadas. En la mitología romana, Lúa era la diosa de las expiaciones o del perdón y a ella se ofrendaban las armas de los enemigos vencidos.
30. Agnes
It is a name for girls of Latin origin of the form ‘agnes‘ whose meaning is ‘chaste’, ‘pure’. But it is also linked with ‘agnus’ which means lamb. His saint is celebrated on January 21.
31. Sun
This name comes from the Latin of the same word ‘sun’ or ‘solis’, and was how the Romans named the star that shone during the day. Of Latin origin, it means, of course, ‘the one that shines like the sun’, ‘that has its own light’.
32. Olga
The following is a classic name, but no less beautiful. It has Russian origin ‘helga’ from the variant ‘halig’ which means ‘high’ or ‘sacred’. So Olga has a meaning similar to ‘sacred’.
Pretty unisex names for babies born in 2023
For boys and also for girls. The names that work for both are another excellent option for those who are expecting a baby and do not want to determine their daughters from their name. Attentive to its meaning, it will attract your attention as much or more than the name itself. Check out the following unisex names for babies of 2023.
33. Andrea
It’s the first name that comes to mind when we think of a unisex one, right? Although it is very common to hear it in Italy, its origin is found in Greece with the term ‘andreia’ from the word andros-male. Its meaning is ‘bravery’, ‘strength’.
34. Cross
With Latin root ‘cruix’, this name that serves both boys and girls and mentions the cross of Jesus. For Christianity, the cross represents Christ’s victory over death and sin. If you want a name that conveys a great spirituality, do not hesitate to choose this option. His name day is September 14.
35. Jade
It is usually put on girls, but it can also be for boys. Jade is of Spanish origin, approximately from the sixteenth century of a stone called ‘ijada’ that was used to cure the lower belly. This name symbolizes ‘serenity’, ‘cleanliness’, ‘protection’.
36. Leo Leo
is good for boys and girls, although we also have the Leah version. It has a Latin root and this meaning: ‘lion’, so it means the life force.
37. Pau
Derives from the Latin ‘paulus’ – small, it is a variant of Paul. His name day is June 29.
Best Biblical Names for a Woman Born in 2023
Whether by tradition, culture or beliefs, if your idea is to choose for her a religious name with its own meaning, here you will find it. Below we propose a list of names for girls 2023 that have biblical origin.
38. Ruth Ruth or Ruth
, as you prefer. Of Hebrew origin re’ut which means ‘friend’, ‘ally’. This is a woman’s name that conveys great strength. The meaning of this feminine name refers to fidelity.
39. Gabriela
This beautiful name is the feminine version of Gabriel, the angel announcing Mary’s motherhood. Gabriela is a name of Hebrew origin: geber EL – “man of God” that is, “woman of God”, “protected by God”.
40. Christina
Next on the list is a girl’s name from the Latin Christiana meaning ‘she who follows Christ’, ‘belonging to Christ’. It has religious roots and is another of the names preferred by fathers and mothers. His name day is celebrated on July 24.
41. Carmen
This name has two origins. From the Latin carmen – ‘song’, ‘poem’. From Arabic karmel – ‘garden’, ‘vineyard’, ‘orchard’. It is a very popular girl’s name in Spain and other countries of Catholic tradition for the invocation of Our Lady of Mount Carmel or Virgin of Carmel, venerated by the Carmelites, the hermits who populated Mount Carmel, scene of the Crucifixion. According to the National Institute of Statistics, Carmen is one of the most frequent names in Spain. His name day is July 16.
42. Judith As quoted in the Old Testament, Judith
was the woman who delivered the Jews from the Assyrian threat. It is a name of Hebrew origin yehudit – ‘the praised’ that derives from the term ‘iudit’ – ‘Jew’ or ‘woman of Judea’. His name day is celebrated on December 30.
43. Rachel It is a Hebrew name that comes from rahel
and is translated by ‘lamb’. Wife of Jacob, according to the sacred scriptures, Rachel, mother of Joseph and Benjamin, gave rise to the tribes of Israel.
44. Sarah
Sarah was the wife of the patriarch Abraham. Of Hebrew origin Śārāh, meaning ‘princess‘ and also ‘noble woman’ or ‘woman of high rank’.
45. Magdalene In the New Testament of the Bible, Mary Magdalene
was the disciple of Jesus of Nazareth and a witness to his death. Of Hebrew origin, it means ‘the tower of the Lord’. It is a name derived from ‘magdala’, so Magdalena means originally from Magdala, although it can also come from the term ‘migdal’ -tower. This name has other variants such as Magdalen or Madeleine. His name day is July 22.
46. Nazareth
The next name on the list shares origin with the previous ones. It mentions the city in which Jesus grew up and has this meaning: ‘coming from Nazareth’. Naza is usually used as a diminutive.
47. Bethlehem It is a biblical name of Hebrew root ‘bet lehem
‘ which means house of bread. In addition, Bethlehem is a city in Palestine in which Jesus came into the world. His name day is December 25.
48. Read
As quoted in Genesis, Leah was Jacob’s first wife. From Hebrew root ‘leah’, it means ‘melancholy woman’. You may also know a baby who bears this name in its Lya variant.
Names for girls according to their month of birth in 2023
Is your baby born in January 2023 or December of the same year? If you want even more female name ideas with inspiring meaning, check out the following ideas. All of them are female names for babies according to the month of the year in which they are born.
And if you liked the previous names, do not miss all the others that we propose below. What kind of name are you looking for? Are you worried about the meaning it has?
List of girl names 2023 that are very sweet
They are all sweet, but it is that these, perhaps because of their musicality or the intonation that is given to them, seem even more. Of course, that they are adorable does not mean that they do not have strength and personality, quite the opposite! Check out the following names for girls 2023 that are the sweetest and most melodic.
49. Laura
It comes from the Latin ‘laurus’, which means ‘laurel’. This name symbolizes ‘triumph’ or ‘triumphant’ and is that in Greece and Rome laurel wreaths, also known as laurels, were used to recognize people who arrived victorious from wars. Laura’s name day is celebrated on October 19.
50. Sandra
A name for girls of Greek origin that takes the apocope of Alessandra. It means ‘the protector’ and has become one of the most popular names.
51. Chloe This name of Greek origin ‘chloe
‘ functions rather as an adjective and its meaning is ‘green’, ‘young’, ‘fresh’ and refers to the newly grown grass; But better stay with how beautiful it sounds and with that union of vowels so special that it has. If you want to give it a unique touch, you can write it in its original form with H interspersed: Chloe.
52. Deva
A popular name in northern Spain, Deva is a name for girls of Indo-European origin with its root in ‘deiwos’ meaning ‘the divine, the one who shines’.
53. Mara
Mara is also a charming name for girls that derives from the Hebrew term Marah, which translates as ‘bitter’, ‘bitterness’, as the Israelites called the first oasis they found that was bitter tasting. What do you think? Lately it is heard a lot in schools.
54. Candela Name of Greek origin ‘kándēla’ which passed into Latin as candēla
meaning ‘candle’, so it is translated by light. Its name day is celebrated on February 2 in honor of the Virgen de la Candelaria, a festivity very celebrated in some regions of the world.
55. Brisa
Dulce of course yes, but striking and original too. It means ‘gentle and pleasant wind’. This name derives from the Greek ‘ayra’ which passed into the Latin ‘aura’: ‘breath of the air’, ‘breeze’, ‘aura’, ‘wind’.
What are the most searched baby girl names
You may be excited that your girl has a classic name or you may prefer it to be extravagant, but if you also want her to be one of the most sought-after, then take a look at the next batch, you will not be disappointed! They are perfect names of girls for 2023, as they are the favorite of parents in recent years.
56. Yaiza
If it carries Y and Z it will be modern; Maybe that’s why it’s one of the most sought-after. Or maybe because it has a Guanche origin that means ‘Rainbow’ or maybe it’s because its meaning corresponds to the same island of the Canary Islands, what do you think?
57. Irene
And this is one of the most sought after because of how simple it is and because it never goes out of style. It derives from the Greek name Eiréne whose translation as it is ‘peace’. Just what the little girl is going to bring to the family! Don’t you think it’s one of those female names that convey great joy?
58. Naia
Three vowels and a single consonant to create such a deep name for girls. This name is a variation of the Basque name Nahia meaning ‘desire’, ‘aspiration’, ‘will’. Although it is also attributed to the naiads – nymphs of freshwater bodies – of Greek mythology.
59. Soul
Its origin is the Latin ‘anima’ and its evolution into Spanish ends in ‘alma’ which refers to an immaterial entity that living beings possess. Everyone is going to love this girl.
60. Emma
She is still one of the most wanted for another year, there is no one to take her place! It is a feminine name of Germanic origin ‘ermin’ which means ‘whole’, ‘universal’, ‘great’. His saint is on January 2, celebration awaits you!
61. Vega
The next one in our list is a woman’s name of Roman root whose meaning refers to the extensive and fertile lands.
62. Lola
It may be the hypocoristic female name Dolores or it may function as a given name on its own. It has a biblical origin and is from the Latin ‘doloris’ which refers to the pain suffered by the Virgin Mary when she saw her son crucified, so this name can also mean ‘the one who faces’.
63. Jimena
The next name for girls is as sought after as the previous ones. It can also be written as Ximena or Gimena. It is believed to have a Basque origin composed of ‘seme’ – son and ‘ume’ – feminine; But it can also have its origin in the Hebrew ‘shimeon’ – ‘woman who knows how to listen’, a wonderful quality!
64. Aitana
It is a name for girl that has become very popular in Spain. It derives from the name of the highest mountain range in the province of Alicante. So its meaning can be interpreted in many ways according to the personality developed by the girl who wears it: ‘mountain’. Doesn’t it have a lot of strength?
Classic names of a lifetime for girls born in 2023
As we know that you do not settle for less and as we intuit that you are going to shuffle more than one girl’s name before choosing the one you will give your daughter, we share a brief selection of classic female names, of a lifetime, that is, with history and a lot of tradition. They are perfect for your little girl born in 2023.
65. Olivia
It has an origin in the Latin olive – ‘olive’ or ‘fruit of the olive tree’ and its meaning symbolizes peace. Very interesting: ‘woman who brings peace’. His name day is June 10.
66. Clara
It is sonorous and sweet, it comes from the Latin ‘clarus’ and its meaning could not be other than ‘bright’, ‘luminous’. The saint of Clare is on August 11.
67. Kristen
The classic of the classics in Anglo-Saxon countries that families around the world insist on not allowing to fall into oblivion, for something it will be! Derived from the Latin ‘Christus’, it has a religious connotation for its meaning ‘follower of Christ’.
68. RitaHow
about calling your daughter Rita? Simple, but strong. Classic, but without going out of style. Interesting and eye-catching. It has it all! Curiously it comes from the Latin ‘daisy’ – pearl. So this name means ‘woman who is beautiful as a pearl’. His name day is May 22.
69. Marina
Este nombre tiene varios orígenes. Puede ser composición de María y Ana. Pero también puede ser el femenino de Mariano, nombre de origen latín que significa ‘seguidor de María’. Significa ‘nacida en el mar’ y es de origen latino, ¡qué elegante se ve! Se trata del mejor nombre para las hijas de todos aquellos padres que sean amantes del mar.
70. Gloria
Gloria también es de origen latino ‘cloria’ y se traduce por ‘fama’, ‘honor’, ‘esplendor’. Un nombre sin duda muy especial.
71. Lydia
This is a historical region located in the west of the Anatolian peninsula in Asia. So its meaning is ‘that which comes from Lydia’, a region of Central Asia. His name day is August 3.
72. Aurora
Its origin is from the Latin ‘aurum’ -gold, but surely your meaning is more striking: ‘dawn’. It is the perfect female name if you are looking for a fancy name. It is celebrated on June 19.
73. Manuela
The feminine version of Manuel, comes from the Hebrew ‘Im mano El’ and shares meaning: ‘the Lord is with us’. As a diminutive you can continue to use the name Manu. Precious!
74. Macarena
Andalusian feminine name with a marked tradition in Western culture. It is a classic name in Spain that is usually shortened to Maca, derived from the neighborhood of Seville that bears that name. But it is also considered that Macarena has its origin comes from the Greek ‘makarios’ which means ‘happy’, ‘happy’.
75. Violet
The next girl’s name that could not be missing from our list, comes from the Latin ‘viola’ which means purple flower, and a translation that refers to both the color and the flower. His name day is August 4.
76. Elizabeth
Elizabeth, with her diminutive Isa included, is a variant of the Hebrew ‘elisheva’ -Elizabeth and has this meaning: ‘the promise of God our Lord’, ‘oath of God’. His name day is July 4.
Other girl names that are very popular with parents
Just because they’re popular women’s names, that everyone has heard them at some point, doesn’t mean they’re old-fashioned. In 2023 they are still a favorite of parents. Rather you could say that they are in the classification of female nicknames that entire families like, let’s see if you agree too!
77. Martha
The name Martha comes from Hebrew and has a meaning that comes to her that is not even painted: ‘daughter’, ‘lady’, ‘lady” It can be written with intermediate H (Martha) or its Aramaic version Marsha. His name day is celebrated on July 29.
78. Elsa
Who hasn’t heard it in recent years, right? This beautiful name derives from the same Hebrew root ‘elisheva’ for Elizabeth or Elizabeth. So Elsa and those two names share meaning like ‘God has sworn’, ‘the oath of God’.
79. EldaVersion of the given name Hilda
, has a Germanic root ‘hila’ and a peculiar translation: ‘battle’, ‘war’.
80. Sira
derives from the Latin ‘sirius’ – fiery, and is the name of the Alpha Star Canis Maioris, one of the brightest stars seen from earth.
81. Salma
It is a feminine name of Arabic origin that translates as ‘the woman of peace’, ‘tranquility’, ‘peace’. This name has other variants such as Selma, Sáimah. His male version is Salim.
82. Mine
How nice it sounds, right? Ideal for those who are by short names. This particular one, of Hebrew root, is translated as ‘God’s chosen one’. It began as a diminutive of Mary, but today it has already acquired an identity of its own by being popular in Germany, England and the United States.
83. Xana
He is popular, well known, but not all families choose him for their daughters because of how extravagant he is. It comes from Greek and translates to ‘yellow’. It is one of the popular characters of the folklore of Asturias (Spain) and refers to fairies.
84. Milena
Milena is a name of Slavic origin that means ‘funny’, ‘pleasant’, ‘dear’. The male versions of Milena are Milan and Milen.
85. AprilWhat
do you think of April? Its root is Latin, it comes specifically from ‘aprilis’ – April; but it is also related to ‘aprire’ – open,relation with the opening of flowers in Europe.
Featured female names in 2023 that will inspire you
2023 is a very special year because a series of events take place that not only mark the calendar that governs our lives, but also invites us to think about illustrious characters who have had a lot to do with culture and history. And without taking that as a source of inspiration to choose your baby’s name? What a great idea!
86. Margaret
April 8, 2023 marks 10 years since the death of the politician who served as Prime Minister in the United Kingdom. Margaret, in honor of Margaret Thatcher, may be a perfect female name. It is a Greek nickname ‘daisy’ – pearl; although it also alludes to the flower. Its Spanish equivalent is Margarita.
87. Gabrielle January marks the 150th anniversary of the birth of the writer Sidonie-Gabrielle
Colette. How about you call her Gabrielle? Or maybe Colette? Or you may even like his first name more. They are all beautiful and with a lot of personality! If you like French names, this may be a top option for your daughter. Of Hebrew origin ‘gavri’el’ which means ‘God is my strength’.
88. Aretha August marks 5 years since the death of Aretha
Louise Franklin. The singer’s own name may be the inspiration you need. It is of Greek origin ‘areté’ and means ‘virtuous’.
89. Callas Fans of Maria Callas
, the renowned Greek-American soprano, celebrate the 100th anniversary of her birth in 2023. If you are looking for a different and distinguished woman’s own name, this surname may be yours. And if not, you can always stay with Maria.
90. Virginia January 2023 also marks the anniversary of the birth of Virginia
Woolf, a writer ahead of her time with a marked feminist thought. Virginia is a feminine name that comes from the Greek ‘virginis‘ and whose meaning is ‘maiden, virgin’.
Greek Name Ideas for Your Baby Born in 2023
Greek names, in this case feminine, have a culture that permeates their letters in particular and their composition in general. That is why they are still today, in the middle of 2023, the choice of the lucky parents. Below we propose beautiful names for girls that come directly from Ancient Greece.
91. Agatha
With H interspersed, means ‘she who is kind and friendly’. Those who are called this are usually peaceful and intelligent. It comes from the Greek agathé – ‘good’, ‘kind’. Also, in Spanish it is Águeda.
92. Barbara
This other name of woman that has had so much strength comes from the Greek of the onomatopoeia bar-bar, whose meaning or translation is ‘the foreigner’. Its most common diminutive is Barbi or Barby.
93. Vanny
This beautiful name derived from Vanessa is, perhaps, one of the few names that have no root, since it is the invention of the writer Jonathan Swift, who first appeared in the poem ‘Cadenus and Vanessa’.
94. Cleo
means ‘praise’, it comes from the Greek ‘Kleos’ which translates as ‘renown’, ‘fame’, or ‘glory’. And there are many families who choose it as a favorite for the princess of the house.
95. Tea
Three letters that has this peculiar name that in Greek mythology Theia or Aunt from Teia, is the titaness from which all the light comes. What a special name.
96. Camilla
This name comes from the Latin ‘camillus’ – minister in charge of the altars, but it also means ‘the one who stands before God’ or ‘the one who presents sacrifices’, but surely it catches your attention for how feminine his letters sound, right? If you like French versions of the names better, you can opt for Camille.
97. Adara
can also be written as Adhara, it is an Arabic name that comes from ‘aðāra’ – virgin, whose meaning is ‘orange blossom’, ‘purity’.
98. AliceDo
you like the Alice in Wonderland book or movie? You already have a name for your daughter who is born in 2023. Did you know what ‘noble’ means? This name comes from the Greek ‘alétheia’ – truth. His saint is June 23.
99. Celia Celia’s name comes from the Latin ‘caelia
‘ which means ‘fall from heaven’. Do you like it for your baby? His name day is October 17.
100. Falana Many parents look for original names that meet very specific expectations, such as containing only the letter A. This is the case of Falana
! This name comes from the Greek and corresponds to the name of an ancient city of Thessaly.
101. Iria
This name derives from the Greek name Iris. One of the most spectacular natural phenomena is the rainbow. Well, this name for girl of 2023 refers to him, whose meaning is ‘of beautiful colors’.
102. Rhoda
This feminine name comes from the Greek ‘rhódon’ which in English means ‘odorous effluvium’, ‘fragrance’. If your daughter is born in spring, when these flowers sprout, it could be a perfect name choice for her, don’t you think?
Some naming ideas for children born in 2023
And in case you do not finish believing that it will be a girl, in case you get a pleasant surprise in the last ultrasound and it turns out that it is a boy or if you are just curious, here we leave you with a few suggestions of names for children born in 2023 to each one more beautiful and original, you will love them!
– Nuño
It is a name for children with a Latin name ‘nonus’ – ninth, which means ‘the ninth child’.
– Enzo
Very heard lately in the ranks of schools, it is a name of children of Germanic origin that translates to ‘the prince of the lands’, just what this little one will be!
– Jacob Jacob or his variant Jacob
is a Hebrew root male name ‘Ya’akov’ meaning ‘God sustains’.
– Simon
Simon is a name for children of Hebrew origin ‘Šimʿon’ and means something like ‘one who is heard by God’. They say of the personality of those who are so called that it is strong and overwhelming. His name day is September 28.
– Matthew
He usually likes it for being short, but even more so for the combination of his lyrics. Matthew is a masculine name of Hebrew origin that translates to ‘the gift of the Lord’.
– Benjamin ‘Favorite Son’, ‘son of the right hand’ is its meaning and its origin is from the Hebrew ‘Binyāmîn
‘. But you usually choose a lot, especially to name the one who will always be the little one in the family. His name day is March 31.
– Hugo
Corto, attractive, different, with elegance is a child’s name that has it all! From German ‘hugiz’ – ‘mind‘, ‘understanding’, if we translate Hugo’s name we find this meaning: ‘intelligent’.
– Adam This other name for children, is a variant of Adam
, of Hebrew origin ‘Āḏām’ and means: ‘man of the earth’. You like it?
– Raul Male first name of Germanic origin ‘Raðulfr’ which translates to ‘the brave advisor’. How many illustrious people named Raul
come to mind? Surely more than one!
– LucasAnd what do you think of Lucas
? Sounds good, adorable I would say. It derives from ancient Greek and means something like ‘man who enlightens’, ‘Shine’, ‘shine’.
– Hector Hector
is a name for children of Greek origin ‘Héktôr’ which means ‘he who has, protects, dominates or possesses’.
– Bernardo
This one used to be used a lot, but now it seems that it is heard less. Will you be the one to rescue him from oblivion? It is of Germanic origin and means ‘warrior’. His saint is August 22.
Congratulations, mom or dad! Little welcome! 2023 and your whole family awaits your arrival.
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