Applications of artificial intelligence (AI) in education

Applications of artificial intelligence (AI) in education

Artificial intelligence has many applications in education, for example, a chatbot can help a student to know the publication dates of the results of an exam, but this is only the tip of the iceberg. In today’s post we tell you what artificial intelligence is, what recommendations UNESCO gives regarding the application of AI in education and how AI can be used in teaching.

Although computers have advanced a lot, they still do not think like humans and, above all, they do not have human emotions. However, AI can help in many tasks related to children’s learning and encourage educational innovation.

What is artificial intelligence?

Artificial intelligence can be defined as technology that is capable of emulating the capabilities of the human mind, so it can reason, learn, create and plan. Basically, the system receives data (it can receive it from the outside with sensors, for example, or they are entered), processes them and responds to them. For example, when we perform an internet search, artificial intelligence acts considering all the data provided by users to give us results that are relevant. There are many uses of AI in many areas and also in education.

Artificial intelligence in education

In 2019, UNESCO published the so-called Beijing Councils on Artificial Intelligence and Education in which it gave indications to take advantage of AI technology in education.

The most prominent recommendations were as follows:

  • Plan AI in education policies to take advantage of its possibilities.
  • Support the development of new models that have been made possible by artificial intelligence technologies with the aim of providing educational and training services in which advantages outweigh risks.
  • Use of data to plan evidence-based policies.
  • Ensure that artificial intelligence empowers teachers rather than replacing them.
  • Prepare the next generation of workers based on values and competencies for the most timely life and work in the age of artificial intelligence.
  • Promote the equitable and inclusive use of artificial intelligence, regardless of any disability, social or economic status, ethnic or cultural origin or geographical location, promoting gender equality and applying ethics.

How can AI be applied in education?

According to the Annual Report on the use of technology in education prepared by BlinkLearning, 68% of teachers say that motivation in the classroom increases with ICT and their main pedagogical advantage is access to a greater number of content (74%). On the other hand, the change in students’ interests is due to the internet, social networks and the information they find browsing.

Therefore, the use of AI can have many advantages for teachers and students. Some of the applications it has are the following:

  • Design of advanced study programs. Artificial intelligence can help teachers find information about content relevant to the design of curricula. In this way, the contents chosen will be updated and in line with the latest trends.
  • Personalized tutorials. Artificial Intelligence can also be used to prepare test or exam grades, detect the most common mistakes of students or measure their learning. In addition, as it is a virtual tool it will be available 24 hours a day and from anywhere.
  • Remote assessments. If a student cannot attend school, artificial intelligence can be used to conduct remote assessments of their knowledge and continue their learning.
  • Personalized learning content. Each child has a way of learning and a speed to acquire knowledge and AI can be adapted to each case and offer the appropriate content and in the form that best fits the child: videos, texts, audios etc.
  • Updating of teachers’ knowledge. Teachers will also be able, through AI, to discover new teaching methodologies and update their knowledge to always be up to date. This will increase the quality of teaching and move towards one of the targets related to the goal of quality education of the Sustainable Development Goals: “By 2030, significantly increase the supply of qualified teachers, including through international cooperation for teacher training in developing countries, especially least developed countries and small island developing States“.
  • Making predictions of school dropout. Dropping out of school is one of the most serious problems in education. Many children from disadvantaged families drop out of school to work and help their families. In Spain, the school dropout rate has increased in 2022 and stands at 13.9%, after several years of declines. Artificial intelligence makes it possible to detect the problem and anticipate to provide solutions and avoid dropping out of school.
  • Collection and analysis of data from schools. Schools can use artificial intelligence to collect student data in bulk and analyze it in seconds to make smarter and faster decisions based on updated and real information.

As a result of all the above, artificial intelligence, as well as other technologies, are here to stay and to facilitate many day-to-day tasks in education and increase its quality. However, we cannot forget the risk of the digital divide in those cases of schools or families who do not have the resources to access technology.

Therefore, AI is a tool with great potential to change the way it is taught and learned, so it is important to know it and analyze the applications it can have in the educational environment.

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